Water and Its Amazing Benefits

I can’t go anywhere without a bottle of water.
On my hour-long drive to work I drink an entire bottle. Then I drink it throughout the day at work. And again, another bottle on the drive home.
I mix it up a little bit by having tea at lunch but otherwise I pretty much only drink water.
People think I’m crazy for drinking so much of the stuff. In reality though, it’s the non-drinkers who should be called crazy.
Water has so many benefits. It can cure so many ailments yet people still don’t drink enough of it.
I know women who NEVER drink any water. Oddly enough, these same women complain about a multitude of health issues.
It never occurs to them that all the sodas and sugary coffee drinks may be doing them harm. They just assume they’ll have health problems regardless of what they drink.
Newsflash! What you eat and drink directly affects your health. So drinking water can have a medicinal effect on the body.
Now, you may say water is too plain and boring which is understandable if you’re used to sugary, flavored drinks.
If you want a little more flavor consider adding some lemon or lime juice or use a fruit infuser with tasty berries, cucumber, or oranges. This will give it a light, fruity taste while still being nutritious.
Just find what you like and then drink up! Your body will appreciate it!
Top 5 Benefits of Drinking Water
1. Helps with Weight Loss
Drink a glass before meals and you’ll feel fuller faster. This means you won’t eat as much. And between meals, drinking a glass keeps hunger at bay so you’re less likely to snack. Want to raise your metabolism? Drink water. Yep, it does that too!
Studies, including this one, have shown that metabolism increases 24-30% for up to 1.5 hours after drinking 17 ounces of water. This increase means you’ll burn more calories each day. Nice, right?
2. Improves Skin
Spending a ton of money on moisturizers and other face products? Water would correct a lot of the issues you have. Glowing, smooth, soft and moisturized skin can be best achieved if you drink more water.
Don’t spend money on treatments when you could just drink more water and get the same effects.
3. Stronger Immune System
With flu and cold season right around the corner this is a big one! Water flushes toxins out of the body and helps your body perform at its optimum. In addition, water is needed for the production of lymph.
Lymph is carries white blood cells throughout the body. If white blood cells can’t travel through the body efficiently then guess what. You have a greater chance of getting sick. So drink up and fight off all the viruses coming your way this flu season.
4. Better Brain Function
Dehydrated? Having memory issues? Got a headache? They could be related. The brain requires that the body be hydrated to work at its top level. Even mild dehydration can cause a reduction in working memory, increased feelings of anxiety and fatigue. So next time you have a headache or your mind feels foggy drink some water to find relief.
5. Improved Bowel Function
With all the commercials and over the counter products, it’s easy to see that many people suffer from constipation. One of the main treatments for this ailment is increasing water intake. The colon needs fluid to do its job.
A hydrated body is better able to keep stools from becoming hard and difficult to pass. The reason stools harden is because too much water is removed from the colon. An easy way to prevent this situation is just to provide your digestive system with what it needs…water.
How Much to Drink
There are differing opinions on how much should be consumed. I prefer to just drink it throughout the day and not worry about counting ounces and bottles. Bottom line is, if you’re thirsty, you’re already dehydrated so you need to increase your intake.
Water Does the Body Good
With all of these great benefits, everyone should be drinking lots of water. No matter if you like it warm, ice cold, flavored or unflavored, just drink it. It’ll do the body good.
You’ll be rewarded with healthier looking skin, improved body and brain performance and you’ll have more energy. So grab a bottle, fill it up and start making water a daily habit today!