Category: Nutrition

As a woman engineer it can be hard to find time for a healthy meal.  We deal with tight deadlines, challenging work, coworkers, and travel among other things.  Then, after the work day ends, we go home… usually to find more obligations.

All these daily obligations make it hard to find time to eat nutritiously.  Who has time to cook a healthy meal with all the running around?  I know I don’t. Going through a drive-thru would be easier on most days.

Good news is there are things you can do to eat healthier and not spend a lot of time doing it. Think: healthy snacks you take to work, quick-prep recipes, meal planning.  All these things can put the nutrients you need into your diet without taking up a lot of your time and energy.

After all, how can we women engineers be our best if we aren’t feeding our bodies what they need.  A healthy diet will improve mental clarity, reduce tiredness, bring about weight loss and more. Be the best you can be and set an example for others, start eating better today!

Explore quick and easy, yet healthy and nutritious, food ideas here.

12 Melatonin Boosting Foods

It’s late, you know you should go to bed, but you just never seem tired.  Does this sound familiar? If you’re a college student there’s a good chance it does! With all the stress...

10 healthy zero prep snack foods

10 Healthy Zero Prep Snacks

You’ve got 2 projects due at the end of the week, a quiz tomorrow, and a way too long homework assignment due the day after that. With all this craziness, who can worry about...

health benefits of water for students

Water and Its Amazing Benefits

I can’t go anywhere without a bottle of water. On my hour-long drive to work I drink an entire bottle. Then I drink it throughout the day at work. And again, another bottle on...

Celery: 4 Amazing Benefits for Women

Celery – the food I used to hate but have come to love. When I was a kid, celery used to be given as a snack. I just hated it. “Why would anyone want...

brain foods for better memory and focus

6 Brain Foods to Improve Focus & Memory

Need to memorize large quantities of material for an exam? Have a challenging project that requires a lot of thought and concentration? If the answer is yes, give these brain foods a try! You’ll...