Tagged: healthy eating

12 Melatonin Boosting Foods

It’s late, you know you should go to bed, but you just never seem tired.  Does this sound familiar? If you’re a college student there’s a good chance it does! With all the stress...

10 healthy zero prep snack foods

10 Healthy Zero Prep Snacks

You’ve got 2 projects due at the end of the week, a quiz tomorrow, and a way too long homework assignment due the day after that. With all this craziness, who can worry about...

health benefits of water for students

Water and Its Amazing Benefits

I can’t go anywhere without a bottle of water. On my hour-long drive to work I drink an entire bottle. Then I drink it throughout the day at work. And again, another bottle on...

Celery: 4 Amazing Benefits for Women

Celery – the food I used to hate but have come to love. When I was a kid, celery used to be given as a snack. I just hated it. “Why would anyone want...