Love Your Skin – Prevent Skin Cancer

September is National Skin Care Month! What better time to talk about skin cancer and the necessity of sunscreen, right?
I personally have a love-hate relationship with both sunscreen and skin cancer and I’ll tell you why…
Unfortunately my blonde hair, green eyes and pale skin make me very vulnerable to sunburn and the consequences that go with it.
As a kid sunscreen wasn’t widely used. I grew up in the days when people used baby oil to get a tan. The ones who were safe applied an SPF 2 sunscreen.
Skin cancer wasn’t really ever even considered back in the day. Needless to say I suffered through my fair share of bad sunburns in my younger years.
And then the fun began…
Fast forward 25 years and the effects started showing up.
First there was a basal cell carcinoma on my shoulder. Had it removed and got a 3 inch scar to show for it.
Then a year later, a squamous cell carcinoma popped up on my arm. Fortunately I got that one pretty early.
Then, a year after that, a mysterious, itchy, raised spot appeared on my…..face!! Had it biopsied and of course, it was another basal cell carcinoma.
I had a meltdown in the doc’s office when I found out. And then a few hours later when I was teaching class I almost had another meltdown! Fighting back tears is hard when you’re in the middle of teaching System Dynamics! I managed though…
Once the semester ended I got the joy of having a sizeable portion on my cheek removed through a Mohs procedure. 2 hours and 24 stitches later the dermatologist and plastic surgeon were done. Keep in mind this was 2 DAYS before Christmas and 1.5 weeks before my cousin’s wedding.
Nonetheless, I survived and now I have about a 2 inch scar on my face just to the left of my nose. Fortunately the plastic surgeon did a great job and it isn’t all that obvious, at least that’s what people tell me.
I learned my lesson…
Now days, I ALWAYS wear sunscreen. It’s just something that must be done.
If I go to the beach I’m the awkward looking girl in the big Maui Jim glasses, an even bigger hat and a long sleeve shirt. Definitely a change from the bikinis of the past.
So ladies, my advice to you is to wear the sunscreen…EVERY day! It’s a pain to put it on but it really is a necessity.
It will protect you from the sun’s harmful rays as well as preventing premature aging. The wrinkle prevention factor should be a big enough reason to put it on.
No one wants to be the old lady with the wrinkled, leathery face…sunscreen will prevent this.
If anything, getting these cancers at such a young age has made me more aware of my skin’s health.
Because of this, I now have healthy skin habits that I will continue on indefinitely. Gotta find the positive in everything right?
For you younger girls out there, use me as the poster child for what not to do to your skin. Prevent sunburns, wear that sunscreen when you’re out and about.
Going to be outside for extended periods? Wear a hat. Don’t forget that the top of your head and ears can get burned too.
And whatever you do, don’t do this…
And for the love of God, stay out of the tanning beds!! These things are terrible for you.
If you insist on a tan, just try out a spray tan or tanning creams. That will be much better for your skin in the long run.
My dermatologist recommends…
Last thing… when you put your sunscreen on in the morning you should put it on first after washing your face. This is the recommendation of my amazing dermatologist, who I get to see every 3 months.
And if you are interested in the one I use that was recommended to me by the derm, you can find it here. It is really great stuff.
Non-greasy, feels like regular face lotion, and it uses the physical sunscreen zinc oxide, not controversial, chemical ones like oxybenzone. AND it has hyaluronic acid which improves the look of your skin.
Since it’s National Skin Care month, start a good skin care habit. Put sunscreen on every morning. You’ll be glad you did!