Statics – Free Tutorials to Help You Pass Statics
Statics is a branch of engineering mechanics. It is the study of bodies in equilibrium. This means the bodies are either not moving or they can be moving with constant speed. This course is typically the first engineering course taught in undergraduate engineering programs.
It’s a fundamental course and fully understanding it is a must. If you don’t master the main topics in Statics you are setting yourself up for a lot of stress in courses like Strength of Materials, Dynamics, and more!
Prevent stress and frustration in the future by learning Statics with me now!

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Statics Topics
- Vector and scalar operations
- Cartesian Vectors
- Projection of a force along a line
- Free body diagrams
- 2-D and 3-D equilibrium for particles and rigid bodies
- Moments of forces (scalar and vector formations)
- Couple moments
- Methods of joints and sections (truss problems)
- and more!
Need A Textbook?
I follow the textbook by Hibbeler. If you don’t already have a copy, I’d highly recommend one. It really is one of the best I have seen for Statics.
Want more?
Need centroids and moments of inertia examples? Want the outline of notes and problems statements seen in the videos? If so, click the banner below and enroll in my full Statics course!
The full course comes with additional material, 3 midterms and a final exam with video solutions. Plus, you’ll get a downloadable copy of the outline of notes. It’s a bargain for the price. Check it out today!