TI-89 Calculator Vector Operations
The TI-89 is the graphing calculator I use the most. It’s simple to use, really powerful and it can be a huge time saver, if you know how to use it. In this multi-post...
The TI-89 is the graphing calculator I use the most. It’s simple to use, really powerful and it can be a huge time saver, if you know how to use it. In this multi-post...
I never would’ve thought that I’d be writing in pencil more than in colorful pens but here I am. I use mechanical pencils all day long to write notes for class and work out...
If you’re like most students, procrastinating is probably a daily struggle. With all the distractions around, it’s easy to put off an unwanted task for something more fun. Choosing the more appealing option too...
Engineering exams are some of the toughest around. Gone are the simple and straightforward exams you had in the general education classes. True-false and multiple-choice tests are nowhere to be found. Now that you’re...
A bad lab partner – chances are you’ve had one or will get one at some point in your college career especially if you’re an engineering student. Having to work with someone like this...
Can you believe it? A new semester is here. The first week of class is when you should start preparing for exams. Seems early right? But it’s never too early! Engaged Learning One of...
Do You Have Imposter Syndrome? Have you ever been sitting in lecture, feeling like the only clueless one in class, and wondered if engineering is right for you? If so, you’re not alone. Most...
Congratulations! You’re about to graduate with an engineering degree, gone through multiple interviews and gotten a couple entry-level job offers. If you’re unsure of which one to take, here are some things you...
Grad school or get a job… This is a question I get on a weekly basis from students who are graduating in 1-2 semesters. This question pops up so many times because: Most universities...
Chegg Anyone? Online homework sites like Chegg have become really popular over the past few years. And what’s not to like about them, right? You have a hard homework problem set due tomorrow...