6 Brain Foods to Improve Focus & Memory
Need to memorize large quantities of material for an exam? Have a challenging project that requires a lot of thought and concentration? If the answer is yes, give these brain foods a try!
You’ll be getting the benefit of improved brain performance as well as many other health benefits like lower blood pressure and regulated appetite.
You won’t get these kinds of overall health benefits from an energy drink in a colorful can.
These tiny, colorful ‘brain berries’ give a huge nutrition boost. Full of antioxidants and phytonutrients like anthocyanin, blueberries improve brain function and learning capacity.
Short term and long-term memory may improve after just 8 weeks of eating blueberries. A side benefit of these powerhouse fruits is improved skin. How great is that?

Dark chocolate
Full of antioxidants, this tasty treat increases blood flow to the brain causing improved cognitive function.
As an added benefit, it contains phenylethylamine, a chemical that causes a release of endorphins.
The result: a better, more upbeat mood… a definite must have when working on a mind bending problem.
After all, who wants to do mentally challenging tasks when they’re in a bad mood? No one! That’s who.

Guacamole anyone? This fatty green fruit is loaded with important nutrients… potassium, vitamin K, and folate to name a few.
These nutrients are exactly what you need for better memory and concentration.
Not to mention, these colorful beauties are full of monosaturated fat which promotes healthy blood flow.

Walnuts, Almonds, Hazelnuts! Omega 3 fatty acid DHA and vitamin E are found in these bitesize morsels of goodness.
DHA increases cognitive performance and improves cognitive decline in older adults. As if that weren’t enough, it also lowers blood pressure.
Combine the DHA benefits with the fact that Vitamin E has been shown to improve memory in studies and you got a snack that packs a nutritional punch.

Green tea
Catechins are responsible for the incredible brain benefits of this drink. Green tea brings improved brain flow which leads to positive brain benefits.
Studies have shown more active areas in the brains of green tea drinkers. Caffeine is also found in tea but not in the quantities found in coffee.
Combine this reduced caffeine level with tea’s amino acid L-theanine and you get a beneficial boost in brain power without getting jittery.
Instead of an energy drink, next time try some green tea. It does so much more for you than just give an energy boost.

Loaded with potassium, omega 3 fatty acids, vitamins B9 and B12, salmon is a must for improved brain function.
Oily fish like salmon supports cognitive function and learning abilities.
In addition, salmon is a known mood enhancer that also reduces inflammation in the body that can lead to heart disease.
Great foods with brain benefits
Don’t settle for junk food when you can eat something much healthier.
These 6 foods are easy to prepare and are readily available in any store.
So stock up before your next big project and see how your focus improves. You’ll be glad you did!